Carbon Calculators
Information to help you begin measuring your carbon footprint.
Measuring your carbon footprint at farm-level is a critical first step towards your transition to net zero. Our partnership with Soil Association Exchange offers a sustainability measurement across the whole farm, including carbon emissions via Farm Carbon Toolkit.
However, if you’d like to measure carbon separately, there are a number of carbon calculator tools on the market which can do this, and different tools will be appropriate for different farms. We offer an introduction to the three market-leading tools to support you on this journey:

Farm Carbon Toolkit
The Farm Carbon Toolkit calculator is free for farmers and gives a numerical and visual estimate of the greenhouse gas emissions across all farming enterprises (using current internationally agreed emission factors) and shows how they might improve with any proposed changes to that farming system. It also uniquely provides an estimate of the amount of carbon sequestration that a farm is achieving.
To find out more email: info@farmcarbontoolkit.org.uk or visit: www.farmcarbontoolkit.org.uk.
Agrecalc is free for measurement of your annual footprint and more detailed benchmarking and scenarios start at £85 a year. Agrecalc is a carbon footprint tool designed to identify the level and sources of greenhouse gas emissions by farm, enterprise and product. It allows improvements to be monitored and can help benchmark key performance indicators using an extensive farm database.
To find out more email: info@agrecalc.com or visit: www.agrecalc.com.

Cool Farm Tool
The Cool Farm Tool is free for farmers and is an online calculator that enables farmers to measure their greenhouse gas emissions and understand mitigation options for agricultural production. The Cool Farm Tool is a product footprint tool, not a whole farm tool. It is used by many food companies to measure emissions, such as Unilever.
To find out more email: info@coolfarmtool.org or visit: www.coolfarmtool.org.