Make payments with confidence
Confirmation of Payee helps keep your business and money safe.
How does it work?
When you make a payment for the first time, we’ll check the name that you enter against the actual name on the account. You’ll see one of five messages:
The name check has been successful. You can make the payment.
The name you have entered doesn’t completely match. We’ll tell you the correct name held on that account. If you’re happy with this, you can make the payment, or edit the details.
The name you have entered is not the same as the name held on that account. Please contact the person or business you’re paying to check. If you’re happy that the details are correct, you can make the payment but we may not be able to get the money back if it goes to the wrong account.
The reference that you entered has not been found. Your payment may not go to the right account if you use this reference. And we may not be able to get your money back. So please check the reference on the bill or statement and change if needed. Only continue if you’re sure this reference is right.
Some accounts may not be able to be checked and you will be advised if we cannot check the account.
Frequently asked questions
Find out how we check names for payments from your personal accounts.
It’s important that you check with the person or business you’re sending money to that the account details are correct. If you send the money to the wrong place, we may not be able to get it back.
We'll only check names on Faster Payments, including standing orders, and CHAPS payments.
In Business Internet Banking, payments to people or companies already in your recipient list aren’t checked unless the account you are paying requires a reference to identify the account owner. A new check is carried out if the reference is changed.
If you use Commercial Banking Online, find out more about Confirmation of Payee by clicking on the Help icon and search for Confirmation of Payee.
You should always contact the person or business you’re trying to pay, to check the details that you have are correct. You need the name that’s held on the account to get a successful match.
It’s the name shown on your bank statement. You’ll also see it when you log in to Business Internet Banking or Commercial Banking Online.