Commercial terms
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A - Z listing - Products and Services Terms and Conditions
General Information on Payments, Charges & Contacts
Insolvency Account
Terms and Conditions for your Insolvency Account
Insolvency Notice Account
This account is only available to Insolvency Practitioners who already have an Insolvency Account.
International Cash Management
Allows customers to manage their accounts held at other financial institutions through LloydsLink or Direct Corporate Access and initiate payments on Lloyds Bank accounts through other financial institutions. Also allows statement reporting to another bank and payments initiation via a partner banks electronic banking platform.
- iSite - Terms and Conditions PDF opens in new tab (pdf, 264.9 KB)
Liquidity Solutions
These Supplementary Service Terms are supplemented by the Master Terms when combined form the Products & Services Terms & Conditions for the Sweeping Service.
Non-Sterling Currency Account
(for accounts opened prior to 22 February 2018)
The following Terms and Conditions are for any current account you hold with us that is in a currency other than Pound Sterling
Non-Sterling Currency Account
(for accounts opened on or after 22 February 2018)
The following Terms and Conditions are for any current account you hold with us that is in a currency other than Pound Sterling
Pay & Collect Online
Pledged Account
Terms and Conditions for your Pledged Account.
Premier Direct Cash Service
Premier Direct Cash Service is a facility for customers who regularly undertake large value physical cash deposits and withdrawals. The service is operated in conjunction with any British Security Industry Association (BSIA) accredited third party security carrier for cash transportation and provides a secure, efficient and cost effective method of depositing and collecting cash.
Project Bank Account
Project Bank account is an account designed to promote prompt and fair payment to contractors and subcontractors.
Relationship Terms & Conditions
- Relationship Terms & Conditions PDF opens in new tab (pdf, 5.5 MB)
Authority to Debit Percentage Sweep
Balance on the lead/originating account is maintained at a target balance with funds in excess of that target being physically swept on a predetermined schedule and percentage basis to designated recipient accounts.
Account Bank Account
Terms and Conditions for your Account Bank Account
Account Reconciliation (TAR)
Audit Requests
Provides information about Bank of Scotland Corporate Markets plc audit requests.
Request an account audit letter
Letter of Authority (PDF File, 211kB)
Authority to Debit Percentage Sweep
Balance on the lead/originating account is maintained at a target balance with funds in excess of that target being physically swept on a predetermined schedule and percentage basis to designated recipient accounts.
The UK's low value direct and indirect payments service providing a 3 day processing cycle.
- Bacstel IP Direct and Indirect Submitters - Products & Services Terms & Conditions PDF opens in new tab (pdf, 706.7 KB) (03 August 2015)
Bulk Cash Till Service
Bulk Cash Till Delivery service is a facility for customers who regularly undertake cash withdrawals. The service is operated in conjunction with accredited third party security carrier for cash transportation and provides a secure, efficient and cost effective method of withdrawing cash
Bulk Check Processing
Business Travel Solution
The Terms and Conditions, Conditions of Use and Charges Schedule that apply to Business Travel Solution (BTS) Sterling, Euro and US Dollar accounts. BTS is designed to make the payment, management and reconciliation of employee travel expenses more efficient when using a Travel Management Company.
Carrier Cash Direct Service
CB Markets Deposit Product Factsheets
Client Banking Introducer Agreement
- Terms & Conditions PDF opens in new tab (pdf, 135.9 KB)
Client Money
- Terms & Conditions opens in a new window (pdf, 834.5 KB)
Commercial Banking Online
Corporate Current Account
Corporate Instant Access Account
Corporate Insurer Trust Account
Terms and Conditions for your Insurer Trust Account
Corporate Loan Servicing Account
Corporate Segregated Funds Account
Terms and Conditions for your Segregated Funds Account
Corporate MultiPay
The Terms and Conditions, Conditions of Use and Charges Schedule that apply to Corporate MultiPay Sterling, Euro and US Dollar accounts. Colleagues can use the card to purchase travel and entertainment as well as business supplies.
- Corporate MultiPay Terms and Conditions PDF opens in new tab (pdf, 380.7 KB)
- Corporate MultiPay Conditions of Use PDF opens in new tab (pdf, 22.4 KB)
Deposits Terms & Conditions
(excluding Corporate Call Account)
- Product Terms for Deposit Accounts PDF opens in new tab (pdf, 315.2 KB)
Deputyship & Appointeeship Debit Card
ePay Virtual
The Terms and Conditions, Conditions of Use and Charges Schedule apply to ePay Virtual Sterling, Euro and US Dollar accounts. ePay Virtual provides enhanced levels of control and reconciliation on your employees online and card-not-present business spend.