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Fixed Term Deposit Account

1.71% - 2.56% AER¹

Lock away your money for a fixed term

  • 1.70% - 2.54% Gross p.a.²
  • Choose a term that suits you
  • Deposit a minimum of £10,000 and up to £5 million
  • Fixed rate of interest for the length of your term
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Notice Accounts

2.17% - 3.06% AER¹

Notice must be given to withdraw money

  • 2.15% - 3.01% Gross p.a.²
  • Select from 32 or 95 day notice to withdraw money
  • Deposit a minimum of £10,000 and up to £5 million
  • Variable rate of interest, set by Bank of Scotland
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Instant Access Account

1.00% - 1.92% AER¹

No fixed term or notice needed

  • 1.00% - 1.90% Gross p.a.²
  • Instant access to your money any time you need it
  • Open an account with as little as £1
  • Variable rate of interest, set by Bank of Scotland
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Interest rates stated above for fixed term deposits and notice accounts are available as at 21/03/2025 and expire on 08/05/2025 and may be subject to change.

1AER – The AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and is the notional rate, which illustrates the gross rate as if paid and compounded on an annual basis. As every advert for a savings product will contain an AER, you’ll be able to compare more easily what return you can expect from your savings over time.

2Gross Rate – Gross rate means that no tax will be automatically deducted from interest on your behalf. You are responsible for paying any tax due to HM Revenue and Customs.

Apply online

Apply online

Log in to Business Internet Banking, select savings from the navigation and apply.

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Savings strategy tool

Our tool can make your money work harder by matching your cash forecasts against our savings products, helping you create a savings strategy bespoke to your needs.

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Financial Services Compensation Scheme

fscs protected

Due to FSCS eligibility criteria not all business customers will be covered.

Existing customers

To help you manage your savings online and get the most out of your Online for Business Account, you’ll find helpful information and how to guides.

Existing customers

Supporting UK Businesses

Supporting UK Businesses

See how we’re supporting UK businesses in our latest Credential report.

Read our credentials report (PDF, 389 KB)