Business Banking - How to Contact Us

If you need support with your Business Banking accounts, let us know and we’ll do our best to help with your enquiry.  So you get through to the right people, please choose the department from the options below.

  • If your card, PIN or security information has been lost, stolen, misused or disclosed to a third person, then please let us know as soon as possible.

    Reporting Fraud: If you suspect that any of your Bank of Scotland accounts have been accessed by a third party or that you’ve been the intended victim of a fraud involving your accounts please let us know, even if no loss arose.

    Find out how to report it to us




    Contact number / address


    Commercial Internet Banking fraudulent activity


    Commercial IB Fraud Queries


    Suspected fraud or unauthorised payments can be reported 24 Hours a day.

    Contact number / address

    UK: 0800 169 1296
    From abroad: +44 113 292 0702


    Business Internet Banking fraudulent activity


    Business Internet Banking Team


    Suspected fraud or unauthorised payments can be reported 24 Hours a day.

    Contact number / address


    Debit Card fraudulent activity


    Business Account/ Debit Card Fraud Team



    Contact number / address


    Credit Card fraudulent activity


    Business Credit/ Charge Card Team


    open 8am - 8pm, seven days a week and out of hours fraud line

    Contact number / address

    0345 300 0323

    Out of Hours Only: 0345 602 5669

    Not all Telephone Banking services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


    Corporate Cards


    Corporate Card Services



    Contact number / address


    Fraudulent e-mails purporting to come from the bank


    Email scams



    Contact number / address


    Lost, Stolen, Misused Business:

      Cashpoint Card

      Debit Card

      Credit Card

      Charge Card


    Lost & Stolen Debit Cards
    Lost & Stolen Charge cards



    Contact number / address

  • Save time with Telephone Banking

    Have your account number and sort code to hand and enter your date of birth when you call so that you can confirm your identity automatically. You can then enter digits from your security number & password and use our automated features, or be transferred through to the right team straight away.

    You can save time by using our automated features to transfer money between accounts, hear your balances, cancel direct debits and much more. Call 0345 300 0268 call number. If you're calling from abroad or prefer not to use the 0345 number you can call +44 (0)131 549 8724 call number.

    Lines are open Monday to Friday - 7am to 8pm and Saturday - 9am to 2pm, except on UK bank holidays.

    Learn more about our Telephone Banking self service


    Need to speak to us about Online Banking?

    Business Internet Banking (BIB)

    Call us on 0345 300 2924If you’re outside the UK call +44 131 339 8620.

    Lines are open Monday – Friday 7am – 8pm and Saturday, 9am – 2pm.  This is excluding bank holidays.


    Commercial Banking Online (CBO)

    Call us on 0808 202 1390. If you’re outside the UK call +44 (0) 1264 839 415

    Lines are open 8.00am to 6pm Monday to Friday.

    Please have your Telephony PIN with you when you call so we can identify you.

  • To open a business account, you can apply online whenever it suits you. Please visit our business accounts page

    If you are unable to apply online, you can call us on 0345 878 0052. Lines are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, except on UK bank holidays. 

  • Bank of Scotland Commercial Banking provide a broad range of financial services, from loan facilities and asset finance through to bespoke financial services and solutions, such as cash management, international trade, commercial cards and risk management services.

    Please contact: 0345 604 8129

  • The Business Banking Customer Review Team use a process to understand your business if your turnover is between £0-£3m, and ensure all our customer records are up to date. If you have had a request from us to update our records please call us on 0345 901 3133.

    Lines are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, except on UK bank holidays.

  • We have made it easy for you to find us. Enter your postcode and we will show you details of Bank of Scotland branches nearest to you.

    Use the branch finder tool

  • Not near a Bank of Scotland branch? Banking services are available at Post Office® branches nationwide.

    Learn more about the services available at the Post Office


  • We welcome your feedback – if you have any cause for complaint, please tell us.

    Find out about our complaints procedure

    Making a complaint about Cardnet®

    Cardnet aims to give you the highest level of service. So if we make a mistake, or if there is something you feel we could do better, please tell us and we’ll do our best to put it right. Most problems that arise can be resolved quickly if you talk to us as soon as possible.

    Find out how to raise a complaint to Cardnet

  • We will consider cases of financial difficulty sympathetically and positively. You’ll usually spot problems first and should let us know as soon as possible. If we become aware of problems, we’ll let you know in writing. If speed seems to be important, we may try to contact you by phone, fax or email.

    Learn more about how we can help

    A few examples of situations that may concern us, particularly if you do not explain what is happening, are if you:

    • Go overdrawn without our agreement.
    • Go over your agreed overdraft limit, especially more than once.
    • Experience large increases or decreases in your business’s turnover.
    • Are trading at a loss.
    • Suddenly lose a key customer or employee
    • Sell a large part of your business.
    • Use a facility for purposes other than those agreed with us.
    • Fail to make a loan repayment.
    • Do not keep to conditions set out in the loan agreement.
    • Do not supply agreed monitoring information on time.
    • Have another creditor bringing a winding-up petition or other legal action against your business.

    We’ll do all that we can to help you overcome any difficulties. For example, we’ll develop a plan with you for dealing with your financial difficulties and confirm, in writing, what we have agreed. You can also find additional help available at Money Helper and Business Debt Line.

  • If you have lost someone in your business or who operated a business account, we are here to help make the process of sorting out the finances as simple and straightforward as possible. Should the worst happen you can rely on us to give you guidance and support when you need it most.

    Help with bereavement

  • Discuss your accounts if they have been transferred to Commercial Banking Recoveries.

    When calling, please quote the reference in your letter.

    Call any of these numbers:

    Lines are open from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday, except on UK bank holidays.