Help & Support

Forgotten your Commercial Banking Online log in details?

Find out how to get back online if you’ve forgotten your Commercial Banking Online log in details.

I’ve forgotten my username

  1. Click 'Forgotten your username?' below the 'Continue' button on the login screen.
  2. Enter your registered email address, first and last names, and the last five digits of your security card. Click ‘Continue’.
  3. Complete the onscreen questions and your username will be displayed.

I’ve forgotten my password

If you've entered the wrong log in details too many times, you'll be locked out of your account.  You can unlock your user account yourself by resetting your password. You'll need your username, registered email address, security card and card reader.

  1. Click 'Forgotten your password?' below the 'Continue' button on the login screen. Enter your username, registered email address, and the last five digits of your security card. Click 'Confirm’.
  2. Next we'll do a quick security check. You'll need your security card and card reader. Follow the steps on screen.
  3. Enter and confirm a new password. Your new password must:
  • be 8-32 characters long
  • include at least 2 uppercase letters (A-Z)
  • include at least 3 lowercase letters (a-z)
  • include at least 1 digit (0-9)
  • not include character spaces or these special characters ( # < = > [ / ] ^ ` { | } ~ )
  • be different from your last 12 passwords
  • not include your name or any of your login details

Click 'Confirm'. You will now be able to log in with your new password.

Log in to Commercial Banking Online

Log in to Commercial Banking Online


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