Other money-saving tips
On everything that you buy, make a conscious effort to shop around to find the best deal. Use price comparison sites for things like utilities and internet. Think about speaking to a specialist broker for insurance. Organisations like the Charities Buying Group can help get you a good deal on a range of products.
Be bold. Don’t be afraid of asking the question ‘is that the best price you can do?’. This applies to both goods and services. So next time your broadband or insurance is due, it’s worth asking if they can give you a better deal.
Focus on efficiency. While you need to spend within your means, some spending now could lead to long-term savings. For instance, you might want to become a paper-free office. Using technology to do this could save you time and effort. Charity Digital may be able to help with product guides and discounts on tech. Some software companies also have charity programmes or discount schemes.
Look at cost savings you could make in your premises. Little changes like replacing your lighting can all add up. Why not think about installing a smart heating system?
Keep a close eye on your spending. Some regular expenses have initial periods when the prices are low, but after this, the cost increases. Set yourself reminders for when your contracts expire so that you can negotiate in advance.
Please note, some of the initiatives referenced above relate to having Registered Charitable status or recognised by HMRC so please check which applies to your organisation. If you’re not a registered charity already – investigating registering may provide additional benefits for your organisation.