Help & Support
Your Business Information
Keeping your business safe
We sometimes need you to check that the information we hold about your business is correct and up to date.
To do this we use a confidential service from Intralinks called ‘Your Business Information’, which gives you a safe, easy and highly secure way to update the details we have for your business.
Intralinks can't use any information you provide for any other purpose.
Why we need your business details
As your bank, we have a regulatory requirement to make sure we have the right information about your business.
Having your latest business details lowers your fraud risk. It also helps us combat other economic crimes like money laundering and terrorist financing, which put you and the public at risk. Economic crime is making a significant impact to the UK economy, and it’s an issue that’s growing each year.
Make sure your business is protected.
You can find out more about Ongoing Know Your Customer requirements here.

Protect your business from fraud
Discover how fraud can affect your business and what you can do about it.
Why are you asking for information about my business?
We are required by law to check periodically that the information we hold about your business is up to date.
Why do you need information about people within my business?
The information we’re requesting about individuals associated with your business is needed for our compliance with UK Money Laundering Regulations.
How often will I be contacted to verify information?
We’ll contact you periodically when we think your business information may have changed. Or if we haven’t been able to use authorised external sources to check that the information we hold is up to date.
Who are Intralinks and is it safe?
IntraLinks are our technology solution partner for the Your Business Information service.
The IntraLinks security model is comprised of six disciplines and technologies that include data sovereignty, governance and compliance, and four security levels: file, application, platform and operations. More about Intralinks
What should I do if there have been changes to my business?
If you think we’re holding information about your business that isn’t up to date, please let your Relationship Manager know.
What happens if I don’t do anything?
If we can’t confirm that your business information is up to date, we might have to stop letting you use our financial products and services. This could mean you’ll have to find another bank. But don’t worry, we’ll always give you plenty of time to provide us with the information we need to avoid this.
Who can I talk to about Know Your Customer?
Your Relationship Manager will be able to help you.
Anti Money Laundering (AML) – Anti Money Laundering is legislation requiring any company handling financial transactions implement Anti-Money Laundering procedures. Money laundering is the concealment of the origins of illegally obtained money, typically by means of transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses.
AR – Authorised Representative - The Authorised Representative is the client representative with the authority to answer Know Your Customer related questions on behalf of the business. Note: Associated Party, Company Secretary, Member of Legal/Compliance Dept or Solicitor/Accountant would be suitable by virtue of their position.
Associated Party (AP) – Individuals who are sole traders, partners, directors, company secretaries, member or beneficial owners, trustees or other controlling officials within the business.
Bearer Shares – A bearer share is equity security wholly owned by the person or entity that holds the physical stock certificate, thus the name "bearer" share. The issuing firm doesn’t register the owner of the stock or track transfers of ownership. The company disperses dividends to bearer shares when a physical coupon is presented to the firm.
CDP – Client data profile - The client data profile is a summary of the key information that we hold about your business.
Customer Due Diligence (CDD) – Customer Due Diligence (CDD) is the act of assessing a client’s background to determine their identity.
FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) – The Financial Conduct Authority is the conduct regulator for financial services firms and financial markets in the UK and the prudential supervisor.
IntraLinks SS & C – IntraLinks SS & C is our technology partner for the delivery of the Your Business Information service.
Know Your Customer (KYC) – This is a process we use to reduce fraud, identity theft and economic crime. It’s part of our regulatory responsibility.
Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) – An individual who benefits the most. They have the ultimate control over an arrangement, a legal or a natural person on whose behalf the transactions are being made. To put it simply, it’s the ultimate beneficiary regardless of the chain of control.
Your Business Information Service – Your Business Information is a secure service delivered by us in partnership with IntraLinks. It assists us with checking that the information we hold for your business is up to date.