Help & Support

Send a letter of authority for an account audit

We need a letter of authority before we can process an audit request.

It must be on your headed paper and include details of all the legal entities you are happy for the bank to disclose information to your auditors for.

What to include

Your letter of authority must:

  • Be written in your company headed paper
  • Include all legal entities you are happy for the bank to disclose information to your auditors for
  • Include the name of your auditor
  • Be signed by people in your business in accordance with your mandate.

You’ll need to send separate Letters of Authority for all banks you hold accounts with within Lloyds Banking Group.

Download guidance (PDF, 70KB) PDF, opens in a new window

Where to send your letter

When complete and signed in line with your mandate, you can return the form to us:

By email

Email the form to:

By post

Send the form to:

Bank of Scotland PLC
Audit Team
PO BOX 1000

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